With annual sales topping $100 million in 2010, it is recognized as the third largest woman-owned business in Wisconsin.
We are also committed to seeking out and providing opportunities for small, minority, and woman-owned businesses.
You feel you haven't been included as a small, woman-owned business.
Specifies whether this loan is restricted to woman-owned businesses.
The Federal government defines a woman-owned business as one that is at least 51 percent owned and controlled by one or more women.
Other programs target foreign-owned and small, minority- and woman-owned businesses.
Also, there are some circumstances under which contracting offices may limit competition for woman-owned businesses.
A few blocks away is another new woman-owned business, a 650-square-foot restaurant called Maggie Brown, which opened in October.
And is there an advantage to being a woman-owned business when attempting to do business with the Federal government?
Certification as a woman-owned business is a self-certifying process and no paperwork needs to be filled out.