In 1974-75, the Collective sponsored a nationwide playwriting contest for women playwrights.
"There are lots of women playwrights coming through now," she said.
"People seem reluctant to invest sums of money to put black women playwrights onstage," she said.
Ms. Cleage, one of the best-known black women playwrights, with 13 plays to her name, said she has never felt the need for Broadway.
Among his courses are drama, Shakespeare, contemporary women playwrights and Irish literature.
We also talked about the crisis situation that women playwrights face in general.
That might change if there are more women playwrights.
Among the new productions we can identify a significant presence of women playwrights and directors.
Linda Eisenstein is an author, composer, journalist and activist for the rights of women playwrights.
Over three decades later, employment statistics for women playwrights and directors have improved, But women are still in a minority position.