We know that the most rapidly increasing cancer is lung cancer in women smokers.
The much-smaller proportion of women smokers declined in the same period, from 4.1 percent to 2.4 percent.
It has been predicted that by the mid-1990's, women smokers will outnumber men smokers.
Includes resources to help women smokers quit.
Though portrayals of women smokers became more common, they were shown in a negative light because smoking was still not acceptable for women.
Jane Atché commercially published color lithographs of women smokers without any sexual connotations.
But this new attempt to woo women smokers can only be viewed as another cynical blow to public health.
"Early experiences with nicotine among women smokers, ex-smokers, and never-smokers."
By the mid-90's, for the first time in history, there will be more women smokers than men.
Nearly forty percent of all men in Egypt smoke while the percentage of reported women smokers stays low at less than two percent.