The resonances between the two tracks, and the more subtle resonances within the album as a whole, are wonderfully effective.
Gladia herself deserved some credit for this, delivering a wonderfully effective speech.
It is a wholly appropriate and wonderfully effective accompaniment to such lines as: "Norway's hair runs south in agitation."
Mixed-media collage has become a very fashionable illustrative tool, and it can be a wonderfully effective one.
Yeah, too bad society has removed the wonderfully effective disincentive that is "I might have to pick up my teeth after saying that."
The likely winner was obvious because the departed politician had been wonderfully effective stifling political opposition.
A little-known but wonderfully effective inducement for low-income housing is about to expire.
Her wonderfully effective style seemed to be based on patience, and listening.
This was an old trick of the Captain's, horrible in appearance but wonderfully effective.
The system whales have evolved to enable them, as air- breathing fnammals, to survive for long periods in the depths is wonderfully effective.