Tom Gold was perfect in every landing from every turn in the air in the men's bravura section, wonderfully performed by all.
He also felt the story was "meandering and unfocused at times", but considered the choreography to be "well-conceived and, for the most part, wonderfully performed".
In true screwball fashion nothing very believable happens during a great-looking, wonderfully performed film, although audiences could find solace in the courage and integrity of someone from their own ranks (not really, but it didn't matter) who calmly dominates the so-called higher orders.
Or as "Beautiful," an exquisite ballad from the same show (wonderfully performed by Linda Stephens and Raúl Esparza) describes it, the acute sadness of "Sundays disappearing as we look."
The key roles of the tutor and the pupil are performed wonderfully by, respectively, Yusaku Matsuda and Ichirata Miyagawa.
'Chevengur' was performed wonderfully and had a wonderful set," said Arthur Sonnen, the director of the Dutch-Flemish Theater Festival from the Netherlands.
It's a seductive, haunted song, wonderfully performed - a wish already clothed in the sound of loss.
The effect can also be ingenious, as in "Meshugana Dance," wonderfully performed by children from the Ballet Tech School, for which the event was a benefit gala.
Wonderfully performed, the duet is a vehicle in the best sense for two star performers.
Clever, with no extended classical dancing, "Archetypes" is diverting, wonderfully performed.