The lack of traffic means it's a wonderfully quiet place, where everybody knows everyone else and people leave their doors unlocked.
It was a wonderfully quiet evening; the clouds and the storm were rolling away towards the east and the sunset was clear.
The American embassy in Coastown was wonderfully quiet, Macdonald was thinking.
We found it wonderfully quiet.
Taylor had said they were going to Fontana, a wonderfully quiet restaurant in the heart of downtown.
Bayerl et al describe the aircraft in flight as "wonderfully quiet".
Dame Branwen went amiably where she was led, and the house was wonderfully quiet.
Light filtered up from the rooms below, but the holosuites were wonderfully quiet.
It was wonderfully quiet apart from the moan of the wind in those boundless forests.
The motorways went wonderfully quiet - and horse riders and bicyclists took to the tarmac.