As youngsters, we have the most wondrous way of unconsciously soaking up indelible intellectual associations.
In the dark, senses besides sight were heightened, and perceptions shifted in wondrous ways if one made himself open to them.
But for now he has found a lovely and wondrous way to evoke an almost universal childhood fantasy: running away with the circus.
The world indeed turns in wondrous ways.
Yet though he'd discovered nothing to advance his understanding of the source of human happiness, Jonathan had begun to change in a wondrous way.
This we can alter for you, in wondrous ways beyond your imagining.
But in the spirit of the moment, improvisation and destiny seemed to blend in wondrous ways.
"Science advances in strange and wondrous ways," said Philips.
They would never wash away, nor would my memories of the wondrous ways his hands had touched me during our many nights together.
The great general moves in wondrous and mysterious ways, lad.