The blaze heavily damaged a two-family house adjacent to the 70-year-old wood-frame church.
The old wood-frame church was not abandoned.
The voting members of the congregation later decided on April 1 to build a wood-frame church, after reviewing the costs of construction.
A permanent pastor arrived in 1855, and a wood-frame church was built in 1856.
Built in the late 1860s, this is the only remaining wood-frame church in the city of Albany.
Early in 1847 a small lot was bought in Sheboygan on which a wood-frame church was built.
The same post office- volunteer firemen's building, the same elevated railroad tracks, several wood-frame churches, surrounding farmland.
A wood-frame church was constructed for the parish, and quickly expanded.
By 1864, there were two wood-frame churches, a Methodist and a Wesleyan.
The first meeting house was built in 1632, and the building pictured here is the fifth meeting house, the oldest such wood-frame church in Boston.