Far ahead, he could trace the outline of the wooded patch through which the road curved to take the grade crossing beside the gorge.
Harry realized that a person cutting across fields and through wooded patches could reduce the trip to half a mile.
Then The Shadow merged with the darkness of a wooded patch.
High over Lake Clare they shot to come down once more in the wooded patch at the foot of the hill.
They had congregated, and they were swooping rather low over the wooded patch.
See, in a wooded patch up part of a hillside on the property is this big, round, concrete-lined pit with a fence around it.
They had circled a wooded patch and now came upon a clearing, centered about an ornamental pond.
And the wooded patch was lined with two thousand claymore mines.
He caught the glitter of automobile lights and followed the course of a car as it sped into a wooded patch.
There are even several wild wooded patches, spacially limited, yet adequate habitat for small animals.