The commune occupies a wooded plain with several small lakes and the Gour, over which there is a bridge in the middle of the village.
Kirk waited for his sense of dislocation to pass as he peered down from the high tor across a wide, wooded plain.
The terrains were different, but the wooded plains had many plants and trees in common with the mountains.
The March was across Cambera Pass now and well into the wooded plains beyond.
Once the wooded plain at Lynortis's feet had known many stately manor houses such as this.
We raced alone down the slope and out onto the wooded plain toward the towers of Bar-Ponderone.
Ten years ago, this was a wooded plain.
The wooded plains stretched away from sight, and great forests appeared on the horizon.
This one stood quite alone, about the height of a man, looking out over a wooded plain that stretched away, westwards, to the horizon.
Moving his army over the mountains and avoiding the open roads, he escaped detection until positioning his men on a high, wooded plain.