Most slept on their sack mattresses against the walls, some underneath a rough wooden awning that shaded part of the structure.
During restoration, the cellars (which had been filled in) were reopened, an a wooden awning was added to the eastern facade.
The rain pouring down off the store's wooden awning there above.
A few saddle horses and mule teams were hitched outside the wooden awning of Bullard's store.
The striped wooden awning hung over the silent horses of the merry-go-round, frozen like unicorns on their spiral shafts.
The main station building has a substantial wooden awning over the platform.
A heavy wooden awning suspended over the sidewalks along the first floor frontage was added sometime after the original construction.
A wooden awning was blown off one of his offices and a street light just beyond his lot on Kemp Road was knocked down.
The wooden awning above the doorway with the two blue panels read the name of the museum.
So far no one has been seriously hurt, though two men were slightly injured by the collapse of a wooden awning.