He wriggled to the rear of the cupboard; felt for the wooden battens on the panel at the end of the dark space.
Early locomotives used shaped wooden battens fitted lengthways along the boiler barrel and held in place by metal bands.
The roof used wooden battens on iron joists; the floor have tiles.
By midday, all that remained to do was to fit the carpet under a wooden batten at the threshold of the room.
He leaped the fence, caught up one of the wooden battens kept for the boys to practice with, and ran toward the big, fair-haired boy.
Using a clamped wooden batten as a guide, the saw performed well, and the polished sole plate produced little friction.
Ceilings are fitted with neat wooden battens, covering up formerly exposed beams.
Three undulating tiers of wooden battens hovered over the main space.
Cashel judged its location by starlight, then reached out It was a ladder with rope stringers and wooden battens for steps.