Corn is fed into the millstones by gravity, through wooden chutes that dangle from the ceiling.
A wooden chute still survives, which fed grain or flour from the mill to waiting waggons in the bakehouse.
The Shadow watched Swade fasten the dangling chains of the crane to four stout hooks, one on each side of the sunken wooden chute.
When the crane lifted the wooden chute, the mud - liquid and nauseous - would pour into the deep hole where the shaft had been.
In relatively modest demolition and rehabilitation projects, wooden chutes are built on the outside of the building to channel waste products into dump trucks at street level.
Bristol has a thunder run (a 60ft long wooden chute) in its loft that's operated by cannon balls.
Grain hissed down a wooden chute from the ceiling above and emptied into a square wooden bin beside her on the floor.
Wagons were hauled up an incline and the coal 'dropped' down wooden chutes into the tender below.
From the bottom of the shaft two wooden chutes (Holzgerenne) lead to the downstream side of the dam base.
In 1923, a cement slide replaced the wooden chute.