Behind a low barrier of wooden fencing, there were five desks at which three men and two women were sitting, typing or engaged in other paperwork.
In his first year as master, he donated £500 towards replacing barbed wire with wooden fencing.
Or, more specifically, the wooden fencing is.
A plastic play tunnel, some low wooden fencing, wood chippings, 2 cargo nets, a spring rider and a wooden climbing frame were added.
There was also new wooden fencing built in and around the school car park.
Sprightly waiters wear twee national costumes while customers are seated in forest glades under spreading oak trees and woven wooden fencing.
The plots are closed off by wooden split-rail fencing.
Every fall, he cuts her down to about five feet and wraps her in wooden fencing.
There was a one-third scale barn and silo out back and the whole compound was surrounded by rustic wooden fencing.
In those days Open Championship crowd-control was done with miles of wooden fencing.