The wooden figurine fell into the dirt.
The long rectangular dining room is done in shades of peach and blue-green with clusters of wooden folkloric figurines spotlighted on the walls.
In some, movable puppets were replaced with immobile wooden figurines.
Displayed in a beautiful baroque building are wonderful humidors, captivating paintings, Tiffany-style glass lamps, fantastic wooden figurines and lots of fine silver jewelry.
And, as that one still carved at his wooden figurine, he whistled a tune.
He put the wooden figurine in front of the railing ("down below, looking up") and the bust of Washington at the highest point.
He took the wooden figurine out of the water.
The Renaissance artist Dietmar Merluan carved a wooden figurine of the child.
Differential gears driven by the chariot's wheels allowed a wooden figurine (in the shape of a Chinese state minister) to constantly point to the south, hence its name.
The museum also contains notable exhibits from the necropolis, including further votive offerings found in Macedonian tombs and a wide collection of wooden figurines.