The door creaked open on its heavy wooden hinges, and a black man in a white robe come in.
It was built of wood, with a latched door that swung on hand-carved wooden hinges.
When it swung on its wooden hinges at last, he stood in its opening, looking first into the cabin, and then out of it.
Then he leaned forward, revved the motor and snicked the wooden hinge with the tip of the blade, the whole log-end suddenly hanging free.
The ancient oak door has wooden hinges, and the bell, which dates from the 13th century, possibly came from Maenan Abbey.
After prolonged study of their slack fabric supports and swinging wooden hinges, he managed to assemble them properly.
It was attached to the ceiling by a wooden hinge, but the light didn't go on again till he shoved the stick into contact with the concrete.
I opened the door of the cell as carefully as I could, but the wooden hinge still creaked.
The entire door suddenly crashed inward, tearing off its wooden hinges and catching him squarely on his bad shoulder.
Tarzan lifted the latch and pushed the great door in upon its wooden hinges.