When he gestured us in, we noticed a wooden mannequin sprawled in an antique dentist's chair.
"No one did anything," Anne Gres said, when wooden mannequins, toiles and partly finished dresses were thrown into trash bags.
Artists sometimes use jointed wooden mannequins in drawing the human body.
The uncanny part was that to the boy the wooden mannequins of the penny arcade were alive (in his imagination that is).
Instead, the teachers were sitting in pairs on the floor, arranging small wooden mannequins into striking poses of their own choosing.
In the story, two students in Mexico City steal a wooden mannequin from a shop window and start endowing her with life.
In this position Hawes worked alongside Groult and her team and developed her method of designing based upon Vionnet's technique of draping on a wooden mannequin.
As the wolf struggles to reenter the room, Oswald pulls the bandages off a wooden mannequin, causing it to spin.
One medieval commentary, the 10th-century Commenta Bernensia, states that men were burned in a wooden mannequin in sacrifice to Taranis.
There is a life-size wooden mannequin of George Washington.