In 1991 the USGA recognized him as the inventor of the wooden tee.
He balanced his golf ball on a white, wooden tee, and a gallery waited for impact.
Until seven years ago, their place in the game was as fixed as the wooden tee and the dimpled ball.
Omally scratched his head with a wooden tee and eyed Pooley with some suspicion.
He immediately went to the first tee he saw at No. 2, put his wooden tee in the ground, set his ball on it and hit away.
Modern players typically dress in period clothes and use hickory-shafted clubs and gutta-percha balls driven from tees fashioned from sand as was done before the wooden tee was invented.
Prompted, admittedly, more by concern for golf course litter (and their own profits) than with saving trees, several manufacturers are experimenting with alternatives to wooden tees.
It's not adjustable so it doesn't simulate a wooden tee.
His father started the Reddy Tee Company and patented a wooden tee for golf.
She plucked her blue wooden tee out of the grass and hurled it at a teammate.