Two years ago, wooden trusses were attached to inside sections of the wall to shore it up.
Today, the original, burnt wooden trusses and supports can still be seen when driving through the bridge.
The interior is notable for the wooden truss that supports the auditorium room.
The 17th-century chapel is on the south side of the church, and the wooden trusses of its roof can also be seen.
Inside, the wooden trusses of the roof are visible.
The design of all wooden trusses is a tedious task as there are many different things that need to be considered while building these supports.
The tops of two wooden trusses, added later to shore up the building, are visible as well.
The roof is a unique forest of wind bracing wooden trusses.
The tile covering of the roof is supported by wooden trusses.
These roofs usually had shallow pitches and rested on wooden trusses.