Tree peonies are woody shrubs that, unlike their common herbaceous cousins, do not die back and disappear into the ground come winter.
Verticordia, a genus of the Myrtaceae family, are woody shrubs with small and exquisite flowers.
These are tall, woody shrubs with stiff twiggy branches that resemble brooms.
Above ground, the plant is seen as a clump of small, woody shrubs about 15 cm (6 in) high.
The species is a small, woody shrub, ranging in height from 300-500 mm high.
Their hosts are woody shrubs and trees.
The species are woody shrubs or trees to 25 m (80 ft) high, often with hairy new growth.
Tree peonies, really woody shrubs, are native to northern China.
Salvia namaensis is a slightly woody shrub that reaches 3 feet tall and wide.
It is a spare, scrubby, woody shrub or small tree, typically ) 0.5-3 m tall.