An exhibition of wool tapestries in traditional and contemporary designs and a display of enameled glass objects.
A large wool tapestry measuring 15 by 24 feet would have taken five weavers about eight months.
She had a rug, drapes, and three small wool tapestries to brighten the box.
Upstairs in her house, on one wall of a large guest room used for watching television, is a huge wall-size wool tapestry: giant jewel-crowned snakes, curling upward toward the ceiling.
Even though the stone walls were covered with ancient thick wool tapestries, they had long ago been permeated to their fiber by the damp cold from the sea.
A collection of 14 further hand-woven wool tapestries in limited editions then followed.
He walked toward them, beneath a wall hung with wool tapestries of fruits and flowers.
The industry specialised in fine wool tapestries which were sold to decorate palaces and castles all over Europe.
They include a stunning wool tapestry, "Amerind Landscape"(1979), a sophisticated composition with the design pizazz of Lichtenstein's style in full bloom.
"Put him in here" said the short cleric, pushing aside a wool tapestry to reveal a small room.