"Why, the man who commanded a force like that would be-" the word faltered and died, unspoken.
Henamor's words faltered to a stop, his eyes following the direction of Zyperis's gaze.
He hadn't noticed her at first, but his eyes kept sliding to his right, and his words faltered.
His words and the serious tone in which he spoke them made her heart falter painfully, but the pain was sweet and exciting.
He sat beside her quietly, asking a question as her words faltered, leading her on.
Her mother stared at her in astonishment, and Rachel's words faltered to a halt.
His lips moved as though he were about to speak, but the word faltered against Morgon's unrelenting silence.
He let the words falter, leaving a silence, after the faltering, more wretched than ever.
As the words faltered the scratching began again at the door, an unmistakable appeal for entry.
She would not look at him and her words faltered as she spoke.