"Marse" is a Southern English rendition of the word "master".
The word "master" is so charged under slavery).
"It is derived from the word master and I don't wish to be anyone's master any more than I want someone else to be mine."
According to the author lav-engro is a Romany word meaning "word master".
Derr does not approve of my shunning the word "master" in my book.
Shana said, stopping dead in the middle of the path, alarmed at the word "master."
The reason for this change was due to negative connotations of the word master.
Not with all that's happened, and never your word, master.
She resists her collar, refusing to use the word "master" or bend her knees in subservience.
But I knew that all that was nonsense, that I could not turn out any one, and the word "master" had no meaning.