Here's what I do: First I come up with an 8-12 word phrase I can easily remember.
They often are used as a determinative, for making a plural at word endings, or at important sections of word phrases.
At 21 months is when toddlers begin to incorporate two word phrases into their vocabulary, such as "I go", "mama give", and "baby play".
The revealed vowels and seven consonants given to the team would need to be arranged to solve a four word phrase.
The method attempts to guess the appropriate characters by using word phrases from a dictionary, grammatical structure, and context.
This feature can speed up the input of long word phrases significantly.
Hip-hop artists and rappers have been coppin' - using word phrases or music bits for a new recording - for years.
In case of four word phrase actual entropy would rarely exceeds 30 bits.
Later, stand-alone electronic devices with built-in random lists of word phrases were made available.
A 1980 study split sentences into 1-5 word phrases with additional spacing between segments.