The same wording appears on the other side of the truck.
However, the wording would appear to say that 1,290 days will separate the end of the regular sacrifice from the abomination of desolation.
Let me guess who be the parties," a wording that critics here said appears to mimick black patterns of speech.
The Hebrew wording might appear to be a literal translation of the band's name, but it is not.
The wording of section 3(2) appears to confine it to instruments which should have been published but, in fact, were not.
She slashed out part of the line and changed the wording to read "appears to be receiving."
All wording on the notes appears in both of Canada's official languages, English and French.
While a case could be made that the wording did not appear to compel segregation, it tended to have that effect.
This vague wording appears to leave the door open for giving North Korea some of the items it is requesting.
The broad wording of the question appeared to indicate that the jurors realized that the judge had interpreted their previous questions very narrowly.