The quantity of work achieved by Haller in the seventeen years during which he occupied his Göttingen professorship was immense.
He continued the good work achieved under the regency by expanding development activity, encouraging the chemical, paper, textile, dyeing, printing, liquor and starch industries.
Unless you'd like to unravel the good work achieved by the union movement in ensuring that working people aren't exploited as shabbily as their Victorian counterparts.
Each undertook to work with Citizens UK and come to future assemblies to give account of work achieved.
We believe imaginative adaptation of pioneering work achieved in Scotland and England is the best way forward.
The study of MOFs for catalysts has only recently begun with the majority of the work achieved during the last few years.
Hahgwehdiyu was constantly trying to control his wicked brother who would use forces of darkness, thunder, wind and rain to destroy all the good work achieved.
The body of work achieved at Claycraft is largely credited to the skill and attention of the two Robertsons.
Parliament is endorsing the work achieved by the candidate countries, on which the European Council will pass judgment.
The MoD were very pleased on the handover with the quality of work achieved.