He then worked under John Still before being appointed manager in October 1995 after Still's departure.
Cardinali worked as a professor in Santiago before being appointed Governor.
He then worked as a public servant, before being appointed as Queen's Representative in 2001.
He then worked as chief scout for Falkirk for two years before being appointed manager of Cowdenbeath.
He worked as a scout, assistant secretary and reserve team manager before being appointed the first time manager in October 1929.
Moreno had been working in the academic and development fields before being appointed as Minister of Culture.
Ken Oosterbroek worked for the paper before being appointed its chief photographer in August 1991.
He worked as an attorney in his hometown, before being appointed chief of police in 1911.
He worked as a chaplain for some years, before being appointed vicar in Stangvik in 1885.
After that, she worked at the Securities and Exchange Commission before being appointed Minister.