Some of the acclaim comes from writers whose work Shields cites to support his argument.
This work cites a false solubility of 12.5 g/100 ml water.
How often do you see the work of the Wachowski brothers cited as influencing sports?
This work in turn cites his biography by Dürr (Leipzig, 1879).
However, there has been relatively little academic work cited regarding the personality traits attracted to police work.
The work cites in some places the lost Astronomia attributed to Hesiod.
Given names or initials are not needed unless the work cites two authors with the same surname, as the whole purpose of using op.
More recent work on Word Grammar cites neurocognitive linguistics as a source of inspiration for the idea that language is nothing but a network.
They are rewarded for the degree that their work is cited, shared, linked and connected in their publications, which they do not own.
This work cites references to earlier writing about Sylburg.