But the work concluded with pleas for healing and harmony.
The point was made in different ways by both the Robbins production and the second new work performed during the company's recently concluded season.
The work concludes with this serene movement for tenor and choir.
When the work concludes with a final, breathless flourish, you know that whatever happened, everyone enjoyed himself.
His work on the machine concluded in 1957, when he added the 32nd and final instrument.
He began a solo career after his work with the band Scooter concluded in 2006.
"Our work concludes here today with this ceremony, but the work of doing justice is just beginning," he said.
This work concluded that when a child cannot have what they want, they experience emotional consequences of not getting it.
The committee's work began in mid-1998 and concluded in early 2000.
Officials remained hopeful that the work would conclude soon.