The blue box no longer works in most Western nations, as modern switching systems are now digital and do not use in-band signaling.
Film archivists working quite separately in different nations have used the orphan metaphor for a decade.
As a secondary measure, starting in 1990, paying for a mission became easier on those called to work in industrialized nations.
The African Division of Aid for the World works in developing nations, recruiting volunteers and training long-term indigenous workers.
Latterly he has been working in developing nations on energy efficiency issues.
Then comes the K.G.B., whose budget authorizes a force of 76,000, many now authorized to work in other nations.
Overall Americans worked more than their counterparts in other developed post-industrial nations.
But in general, the theory behind intellectual property rights tends to work in rich nations.
Chinese oil companies are gaining the invaluable experience of working in African nations which will prepare them for larger projects on the far more competitive world market.
Many physicians have worked in developing nations over the years.