My cousin works in the provinces, in the North Country you see.
Now Sandinista radio stations carry religious programs of their own, and Government leaders have sought to work with the bishops, especially in the provinces.
For some time, he worked in the provinces again, now serving as a judge himself.
'We who work in the provinces rarely have the opportunity to encounter detectives of such distinction!'
He worked both in the provinces and in Paris.
The Central Committee did this because most of its members had a provincial background, or were working in the provinces.
There are those whose families are not quite of the highest rank but who go off and work hard in the provinces.
Hebert has worked extensively across Canada, particularly in the Western provinces of the country.
Approximately 200,000 Poles worked in the eastern provinces of Prussia among low living standards and intensive exploitation.
We worked very hard in the provinces where poppy cultivation was higher last year.