Programs are assigned to offices within a federal agency and may include administrative personnel which work directly or indirectly with the program.
Most of the local people are directly or indirectly working with rubber products.
A village with 90% of people working for Agriculture directly or indirectly.
Private-school teachers are working indirectly for some of the wealthiest parents in the city.
Around 17,000 people work directly or indirectly in the logistics industry.
Everyone who lived in Northville worked directly or indirectly for the institute.
Some of these extensions require the ability to directly access the 3D graphics hardware and thus can never be made to work indirectly.
"Israel may find itself having to work with Hamas directly or indirectly."
The rest of the population was landless and, except by working directly or indirectly for the Secure, had no legal right to exist.
Saman, meanwhile, begins working indirectly for the Japanese occupation government by taking up work at a food company.