On March 27th, John Deacon had been working on the 4th floor installing new outlets in compliance with health and safety regulations.
Mr. Ryan worked installing telephones in Riverdale, friends said, and took computer classes on the side.
They immediately went aft and set to work installing it.
The sculptor worked through the night installing a replacement head from his studio.
During the 1960s, they worked on many projects installing water and sewer lines in the Niagara Region.
The two men lived blocks apart and worked together installing carpets and hardwood floors.
A welder, Ray Bradley was working with a crew of men installing an expansion joint on July 31, 1950.
Hensley retired after that season, and now works installing fire-service systems.
Fred worked installing carpet for decades to sustain his music and his family, before opening up a succession of important Chicago nightclubs.
He left Brittany to live in Paris, where he worked installing gas.