Not surprisingly, work intensified on an unmanned drone which would be capable of penetrating deep into enemy territory, and return with precise military intelligence.
Byrge also believed that cinematographer Gary Shaw's work and composer Clint Mansell's music intensified the drama.
Gilligan's work intensifies the conflict within Kohlbergian theory, between apparently neutral psychological explanations of, and value-laden extrapsychological prescriptions about, gender (Flanagan 1982).
Over the last decade the sector has grown significantly and the work of housing associations has both intensified and diversified.
His work intensified when he gained access to files at Scotland Yard that were only recently declassified.
Katy Murphy of the Oakland Tribune said the work only intensifies during so-called school holidays.
And with exalted holy days for both religions - Easter and Passover - just around the corner, the missionary work has intensified.
As the anti-missile work intensified, the relationship between Livermore and the university was increasingly denounced by Berkeley radicals and faculty members.
That is why I call on the Commission to please continue this positive work and further intensify its efforts.
As the cold weather approaches, their work has intensified.