Lossky's work is also opposed to the pagan elements of the pagan philosophers that were an influence on his work.
Their work was opposed both by militant Hindus and by the local Danish authorities.
Intellectual and theoretical, their work is diametrically opposed to Neo-Expressionism, the painting style that dominated the first half of the 80's.
His work was opposed, violently resisted.
This work was opposed by Albatros scouts, increasing anti-aircraft fire and the weather.
The work became increasingly opposed in Toronto, especially after the cause was taken up by famous urban commentator, Jane Jacobs.
This work was opposed and repeatedly stalled by Winthrop, who favored a common law approach to legislation.
His work as bishop between 1452 and 1458 - trying to impose reforms and reclaim lost diocesan revenues - was opposed by Duke Sigismund of Austria.
Despite Ms. Finley's nudity in performances and her graphic language, her work is vehemently opposed to obscenity and pornography.
In the early nineteenth century, missionary work in Demerara was fiercely opposed by many of the estate owners.