In this work of almost seven hundred pages, Baird argued that revivalism was a positive feature of American religious experience.
A work of 1,200 pages, released in two volumes, it ran to 140 printings during the two years following its initial publication.
This concise work of 47 pages was written only for self-study.
This short work of around 80 pages contains 60 poems based on the sonnet form, on themes of night and death.
Much shorter than the author's novels, this book is a small meditative work of 73 pages, of which 59 are the essay itself.
In a work of just 32 pages, you'd think everything would be in miniature, and most of it is.
This work, of roughly 494 pages (a 2002 revised version containing 636 pages) stores more than 2,000 entries.
Their two decades of collaboration culminated in a work of 1,056 pages with an estimated 1,200 illustrations.
This work of almost 1,300 pages treats Noctuidae of the world.
Originally envisioned as much smaller publication, it evolved into a work of nearly 6000 pages that was written over a period of 41 years.