He worked on themes exploring mediums such as painting, photography, and ceramics.
But it also performs nonliteral works and works on other themes.
He was the author of numerous articles and works on agricultural themes.
As for his own writing, Mr. Hein said, "I only work on themes that are 10 years old, or older."
It hosts approximately 5000 young people a year from across the East Midlands, working with them on personal, social and spiritual themes.
Urba continues working production on other themes on 2010 and 2011.
In 1830, Ward moved to Cheshunt (Hertfordshire) with his second wife, but he continued to work, particularly on religious themes.
Each year the institute invites the best mathematician in their fields to work on specific mathematical themes.
In 1987 they again travelled to India, and started working on religious and mythological themes.
In his theatre productions he worked on political themes, such as the treatment of minorities in states and violence towards ethnic groups or asylum seekers.