He said, "Clearly, that is the point where our joint efforts to work cooperatively with the governor, the Senate, localities and health care providers to bring about Medicaid reform this year will begin."
Together you will work with health care providers in your doctor's office or your home, or in a hospital, nursing home, or hospice.
In Burundi, medical aid organisation Médecins Sans Frontières has been working with health providers to improve conditions for women in the sub-Saharan country.
For example, working in consultation with physicians and other health care providers, a dietitian may provide specific artificial nutritional needs to patients unable to consume food normally.
As Congress discusses health care reform, I will continue to work with local hospitals, health care providers, consumers, and small businesses in Western North Carolina.
Health officials will also work closely with hospitals and other health care providers to prepare for handling a large influx of patients in the event of a large-scale emergency.
The pediatric oncologist works with other health care providers who are experts in treating children with leukemia and who specialize in certain areas of medicine.
Mr. Clinton said one million children could receive insurance coverage under his proposal to give Federal grants to the states for "innovative programs," to be designed by state officials working with health care providers and employers.
It is working with communities and health service providers, they undertake long-term projects targeted at women and children in remote, often war-torn, areas.
I will continue to work with patient groups and health care providers to permanently halt this burdensome rule that restricts Medicare beneficiaries' access to compound pain medications," Harper said.