As an example, she said the institute hoped to work with ministers in black communities to help combat crime.
The UK government said it wanted to work with Scottish ministers to make sure they could hold a referendum which could produce a legally binding result.
The Prime Minister lacks executive powers and has therefore to work with and through ministers who have executive powers vested in them collectively.
"You work with [ministers and diplomats] from the moment they leave in the morning until they go to bed," Isdale said.
His fellow leaders gave him mostly words, but agreed to create an employment committee to work with their finance and economic ministers.
Both in Chicago and in Minnesota, he worked closely with ministers and communicants of the national Swedish church.
But he has sought to work with ministers who he is close with and friendly with, and that's the extent of it.
Or, do we want to work through, in a cooperative manner, with industry, ministers and other organisations to seek a common solution?
Ted A. Beebe, a field office manager for Kentucky's Department of Employment Services, is part of this effort, often working with local ministers.
They are expected to work with other ministers to ensure the passage of bills through the legislature.