Some of these married couples will include partners who have been divorced, working wives, unemployed men, and children from previous marriages or adopted.
Working wives, she found, perform 75 percent of the housework.
Democrats don't want to admit that soak-the-rich taxation wallops working wives, lest they split feminists and redistributionists.
But the surge in pay at the top is just too large to be explained solely by working wives and M.B.A. degrees.
Proving to be a versatile actress, Wall took on many different roles including working women, secretaries, mothers and wives, acting in 47 films.
There were one or two teachers, but they were, like herself, working wives, a rare phenomenon in largely working-class Glasgow.
The expression "take the money and run" may resonate well among working wives who have pensions and are over the age of 45.
These middle-class women, most of them educated professionals or university students, are looking for more modern men, who accept working wives and help around the house.
Working husbands and wives come in for cardio before they catch the 8:19.
Working wives are happier and are better mothers because responsibilities are shared.