Students are required to work in a work-study program regardless of financial situation.
Students are employed by their college under work-study programs to do continuing research in Earth, space science and technology fields.
The work-study program is designed to help students do complete that schooling.
The internship allowed her to take 10 classes a week for six months, and she now takes about five, part of a work-study program.
The bank has since ended its participation in the work-study program, Taylor's office said.
Grants, loans, and work-study programs can help pay for college or career education.
School buses are constantly in the area, not only at the expected hours, but also for work-study programs and class trips.
In fact, Olympus might be able to help the school by setting up a work-study program with them.
The work-study program was financed at $617 million last year.
Students who work at the station are paid as part of a work-study program.