Any workable agreement between the aliens and ourselves would necessarily have been a realistic one, with checks and balances.
The question now is, can Netanyahu and Arafat create out of their workable agreement some mutual trust?
"We have what we feel is a fair and workable agreement," Mr. Lewis said.
But ultimately the many tribes that inhabit this earth are going to have to figure out a way to forge some workable agreements on how we treat one another.
If we are to reach a workable agreement, I must be able to tell mine who is in charge.
But even before the killing of Sheik Yassin, it was hard to be optimistic about the two men reaching a workable agreement.
Never before have so many oil producers from around the world met, and most experts think the talks probably will not produce a workable agreement.
Particular skills and attitudes are needed to make voluntary agreements workable and fair.
This is the reality in an area like this, and ten years of discussions leading up to the 1998 directive may not be enough to create a real, workable agreement.
Now that's off the table mercifully, one would assumr that politicians have the common sense to sit down and sort out some workable agreement.