His three companions, equally depressed and without a workable idea, remained silent.
Many state legislators also support the bill's intent, but do not believe it is a workable idea.
The problem is that Gans, like the rest of us, has no workable idea about what to do next.
"Ftools are designed to get from the satellite a workable idea as to what is going on."
The trick is being able to discern these two, and I haven't heard any workable ideas on how to do this.
But it absolutely is the case that this is - it's a workable idea.
They had some workable ideas, but we do not let them work.
But that did not seem a workable idea, especially since she didn't know where Jenny lived.
I'd be happy to listen to somebody who didn't have any, if she had good, workable ideas.
The Council simply had few workable ideas about where and how to save city tax dollars.