Every workday morning, Deedra slid in a tape to catch her favorite soaps, and sometimes Oprah.
New York's legislators are paid $79,500 a year for a position that allows them to clock in every workday morning and then, if they want, go to the gym.
As she heads out on workday mornings, she may stop in the garden to do non-messy chores such as tying up wayward clematis vines or cutting flowers.
On workday mornings, the routine is almost always the same for Diane Ronketty.
Other high-end clocks have a feature that recognizes days of the week, so the alarm doesn't go off on weekends, only workday mornings.
These folks, free on a workday morning?
Traffic seemed to be moving fairly smoothly yesterday, the first regular workday morning on which new regulations forbade lone-occupant cars from entering Manhattan below 62nd Street.
It was a glowing workday morning in May, the type that comes with a spring fever advisory.
Creativity and diversity have no place in a workday morning.
Every workday morning, counselors stand under the fluorescent lights and proudly tell their astonished new patients that they have a drug that can save their babies.