The few remaining clothing stores opened their doors, while workers cleaned the windows of another hip restaurant.
A security camera recorded two men spraying silver paint on the bronze statue, which workers quickly cleaned.
"I'll need to find a new way to make money," he said as workers cleaned the basement for a baptism party to be held on Saturday afternoon.
Indeed, in preparation for the Earth Summit, 240 workers have been cleaning trails and sprucing up the park.
Two weeks ago, workers cleaned the hangar's wooden floor so thoroughly, one said, that the President and his wife could eat off the floor.
When he returned and got his room, workers were cleaning the corridor.
In most of those cases, they said, the amount was small enough that workers could clean it quickly, and clear those schools to open.
At the time, workers were cleaning pipes with water.
In the past the workers have generally cleaned around the homeless or called the police, but few vagrants have been forced out.
Though it was Christmas Day, municipal workers were still cleaning last night's snowfall from the streets.