You've got to remember that Mexican farm workers didn't drive planes into the sides of those buildings.
Some workers must drive 50 miles to another small town to find a house.
Clerical workers and mechanics who have the necessary certification are also driving.
Also available are right angle drills, which allow a worker to drive screws in a tight space.
Then the social worker strapped the child into a car seat and drove away.
In the next section, we'll look at how workers drive tunnels through soft ground and hard rock.
When the workers drive away, they open the bag and find $10 bills wrapped around the soda cans.
When a passer-by asked what was happening, the workers got into a car and drove away.
The social workers drove to Yonkers, where a group of seven hopped on.
Many workers drive a taxi one or two days a week to help make ends meet.