It is easy, however, for rhetoric about freedom and choice to blur the reality which professional workers encounter daily.
That said, the next two potholes these workers encountered yesterday had them shaking their heads.
The survey, taken in March, continued a pattern showing that workers with the most education encounter the least unemployment.
While breaking open one of the sealed storage depots, workers encountered three combat robots, and they were still active!
Fistfights broke out whenever striking workers and strikebreakers encountered one another.
But the basic choice she faced between her paycheck and her principles is one that most workers eventually encounter.
Living in cities, workers encountered material goods such as they had never seen while in the village.
However, one of the characteristics of a modern industrial economy is that workers do not encounter their employers in an atomized and perfect market.
Yet female workers encounter a range of obstacles in their working activities, having to reconcile their working life with family life.
The kidnapping is an example of the tremendous danger humanitarian workers are encountering in many parts of the world.