With the concert date quickly approaching, workers were building the two main stages and erecting the security barrier.
Municipal workers, under cover of daylight, mounted the nearby pole and erected the metallic guardian.
Meanwhile, workers were erecting barricades and clashing with the police and troops units again.
Six thousand workers erected 200 buildings and an airfield to accommodate the training needs of the Army Air Force.
Joey went across the midway to watch the workers erect the Octopus.
Behind the firehouse, workers erected a steel-framed tent, used in the Arab world for funerals.
Above it, workers have been erecting more walls of lights.
Just an hour before, the clock dangled in midair from a crane as 10 workers erected the timepiece.
In mid-November workers tore up the eight corners and erected fences, leaving only a small lane between the barriers and building walls.
By late afternoon yesterday, however, the homeless had been cleared and workers were erecting a more daunting fence.