In the mid-1800s, in port cities in the Northeast, foremen picked the day's dock help from a pool of workers gathered around him.
On Tuesday morning, the protests appeared to be increasing as thousands of workers gathered in front of the Hyundai complex.
"I love Ford and think of it as family," he said as he other workers gathered at the Bar do Pascual, outside the plant's gate.
The outcome, announced late Tuesday night, was greeted with thunderous cheers by several hundred workers gathered at a Harvard theater.
He told workers gathered in a cavernous Boeing hangar that Europe's subsidies to Airbus cost Americans jobs.
During two construction seasons I had no difficulty in walking right through groups of 500 to 700 workers gathered around the place where the hiring committee met.
"We have to think of the material security of the people," Mr. Gorbachev told workers and administrators gathered at the huge Uralmash heavy industry works.
Rioting continued in Athens as thousands of workers gathered for anti-government protests at Syntagma Square.
It may have been the first instance of workers being gathered under one roof to work machinery driven by an inanimate power source.
Around 10,000 workers gathered on August 26, 1958 for a meeting at the CPT central office in Asunción were a four-member strike committee was elected.