In plantations in Saint-Raphael, workers harvest green, bitter oranges, quarter them and then separate the peel from the pulp by hand.
This allows workers to harvest gold, lead, copper and other materials from the burned plastic husks.
Cotton and Pulp Economy What money there is comes from the cotton fields that stretch south of here, where workers are harvesting the precious crop this week, leaving white fluff scattered along the highways, and from the pine forests that feed the pulp mills.
The minute the furled tips threaten to poke through opaque plastic covers covering the long mounds in which the vegetable grows, workers lift the covers and harvest the asparagus.
Before c. 1790 a worker could harvest 1/4 acre per day with a scythe.
By dividing the bogs with earthen walls and damming Sand Creek, workers harvested the cranberries by combing the vines with narrow-tined forks and floating the ripe, buoyant cranberries that were gathered with wide bottomed scoops.
In the summer of 1893, the Compagnie des Salins du Midi began to recruit workers to harvest seasalt from its evaporation ponds (salines).
Mary Hilyard, who lives in a one-room concrete house with her boyfriend and two young daughters about 12 miles northwest of Homestead, in a camp where workers harvest sweet potatoes, got the first medical help for her children on Thursday since the storm.
The locals hire foreign workers to harvest the crops instead of doing it themselves as they used to decades ago.